Sagebrush Mariposa Lily – Calochortus macrocarpus

Lily Family – Liliaceae

Actual flower size: 2 inches across

Actual flower size: 2 inches across

Sagebrush Mariposa Lily is also called Green-banded Mariposa Lily, Green-banded Star Tulip or simply Mariposa Lily.

Plant Description: Sagebrush Mariposa Lily is a 8 to 20 inch tall perennial. The stem is erect,  stout, with several small stem leaves and an umbel of 1 to 3 flowers facing upwards. It has 1 or 2 grass-like, basal leaves, much shorter than the stem, with edges rolled in, and curled at the tip.

Flower Description: The flowers are large (2 inches across), lavender (white or purple) with purple ring near the base and a hairy center.  The 3 sepals are longer than the petals, very narrow, sharply pointed. The petals are much larger, broad with pointed tip. There is a narrow longitudinal stripe down the middle of each petal and sepal, usually noticeable on the back side only. There is a oblong, triangular gland at the base of the petals, 6 stamen, and a tapered style with three-part stigma.

Ecology: Sagebrush Mariposa Lily prefers dry sandy soil. It is wide ranging and abundant across eastern Washington in dry open forests and hills, at low to moderate elevations.

Sagebrush Mariposa Lily Photo Gallery


Actual flower size: 2 inches across