Hooker’s Fairybells – Prosartes hookeri

Lily Family – Liliaceae

Actual flower size: 1/2 inch long

Actual flower size: 1/2 inch long

Hooker’s Fairybells are also called Oregon Fairybells or Small-flowered Fairy Bells. Former Latin name was Disporum hookeri.

Plant Description: Hooker’s Fairybells is 1 to 3 feet tall with a few, arching, branching stems. The leaves are alternate and clasping and spread horizontally. The leaves are up to 5 inches long, thick, heart-shaped with prominent parallel veins, and a sharply pointed “drip-tip.”. Both leaves and stems are somewhat hairy. Groups of 1 to 3 flowers hang from the axils of the terminal leaves which almost hide the flowers.

Flower Description: The flowers are 1/2 inch in length. The lobes of the 6 identical, creamy white tepals spread outward from about midpoint to form a bell. The 6 stamens protrude, exposing the anthers.

Ecology: Hooker’s Fairybells grow in deep, wet woods and stream banks.  It is widespread on both sides of the Cascades.

Note: Red oval berries develop in late spring.

Hooker’s Fairybells Photo Gallery


Actual flower size: 1/2 inch long